Sunday, September 25, 2005

GSD #49

Sian 2nd last ep liao:(. wtf things have gone nuts at seed forum we hav ppl complaining left right centre about reused sences fukada(producer) running out of ideas haha. I hope this turns out better than the last few ep. It better seeing from the screen shots that the brought bac the gennsis gamma ray cannon. Hope kira athrun kicks shin butt next ep that b..t...d desrves it

Saturday, September 24, 2005


what a joke things are these days.GSD is near tis end in japan and yet kids central in singapore here is airing its debut next saturday. Soon u will see all the kids talking about it like its new when the real fans are already anticpating the new gundam series next year. BTW just watched one more chance by jack neo it was very funny but does have its pt a certain times

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Destiny Plan

Finally things swing into action in GSD gilbert accounces the destiny plan and we have a major fleet face off in the final two ep things have been really boring the last few ep so many fans including me are anticpating the next two ep.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Tong Hua

LOng time no update.Nothing much to say.Kudos to
for the movie hope u guys enjoy it